Author: Shizuto Masunaga
Title: “Masunaga Shiatsu Manuals – 3rd month”
Publisher: Shiatsu Milano Editore
Genre: shiatsu
English translation: Elaine Wright
Introduction, notes, glossary: Roberto Palasciano
Format: epub
Pages: 104
Edition: March 2023
ISBN: 979-12-80253-16-3
Price: euro 9,90
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In the 70’s Shizuto Masunaga Sensei, creator of Keiraku shiatsu (meridian shiatsu), delivered four-week correspondence courses providing students with his own purpose-written material. We saw these course books during a visit to the Iokai Shiatsu Centre in Tokyo and given their valuable content decided to translate and publish them. Other than their historical interest, we believe the four volumes (this is the third) will be extremely helpful to shiatsu students, practitioners and teachers alike. The extensive topics covered in the four manuals range from the history of shiatsu, the Japanese legislature on the subject, how to execute pressure and the rules to follow, basic techniques, exercises for health, shiatsu as first aid, clinical shiatsu, shiatsu for children and aesthetics.
AUTHOR: Shizuto Masunaga (1925-1981) was considered his parents’ legacy. Both shiatsu practitioners, his mother specialized in anpuku (abdominal massage) and his father a judo instructor in the Navy. Masunaga concluded his studies in psychology in 1949 at the University of Kyoto, initially teaching this at the Namikoshi National School of Shiatsu where he qualified as practitioner. His undertakings in research brought him to develop Keiraku shiatsu and launch the Iokai Shiatsu Centre in Tokyo. He has published several books on shiatsu and Oriental therapies and divulged Iokai shiatsu world over.
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